Monday, January 10, 2011

Taking the Plunge

Lord only knows this is long overdue!  However I have been talking about getting a blog up for quite some time now.  It is time I stop just sitting around blog hopping and share some of my own stories, crafts and ideas.  I am addicted to reading blogs and seeing what everyone out there has to say or is doing.  It can actually be a little over whelming as I find way too many things I want to do!  Rather than overwhelming myself with new year’s resolutions (which let’s face it I will probably NOT stick with), I have been motivated to try 3 in 30 Making Goals a reality three at a time!  Want to learn more hop on over to:
To see what it is all about!
My 3 in 30 (for January):
-          Start my own blog.
-          Lose 5 lbs
-          Finish my little man and little lady’s joint room (Toy Story Theme)
I’m off to a good start I can check off (Start my own blog)!
I must admit it hit me today how extremely sad I am that Christmas is over.  See we recorded almost every holiday special that came on TV, so since we have yet to catch up we still find ourselves watching them.  As we sat down today and started one I have to say it was all really just a whirl wind this year.  I imagine I would have enjoyed them a little more since I am currently doing the stay-at-home mom thing.  I think what really threw me off is the kids didn’t actually get out of school till 2 days before Christmas!  What is that?  I need at least a week with them to work on Christmas gifts for family.  I shot myself in the foot yet again this year when I waited till the week before Christmas to even start making my gifts.  Since being on a budget even more so this year than any year before I had planned on making all of my grandparent holiday gifts and even some of the kids.  While I will say I did a pretty good job and made quite a bit nothing in comparison to what I would have liked to, and I may have enjoyed the season a little more had I started it all much earlier and not been so stressed come the grand day.  I will pat myself on the back though as I did manage to get all my presents rapped before the big day.  One of these years though I’m going to nail this process down.  One of My 3 in 30 (for July) is going to be, start working on my Christmas presents, if I don’t actually start before then!  I’m already got some ideas and of course all of you crafty bloggers out there keep sucking me into more J
If you are a Christian head on over to to find some great reading and podcasts by none other than my hubby!
Well, that is enough about me for this post as the goal is for you to actually want to come back.  I am hoping to post a tutorial for a wedding gift idea be sure to come back!

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