Monday, January 31, 2011

Pass’in me by

Do you ever have those days, weeks, months, or even years that you just feel like life is passing you by? Here lately this is me! I really do wonder how some mom’s do it? Most days I feel completely unaccomplished. I have so much I would love to do crafts I would like to make and changes I would like to do in my house, but alas the day comes and goes and nothing is done. Just getting my house in order would be an accomplishment! So, on the upside during our recent snow days the kids and I crafted up some fun!

I’ve been hanging onto these milk cartons for some time now intending to make these for the kids. Being the perfect day we finally made them! I think my 16yr old and I had more fun with them than the 8 and 4yr old. In fact my 16yr old has requested I make more so the whole family can play and the younger ones have requested I make one for all of the kids on the street! So all in all I would say they were successful. These were super easy to make!
Milk Carton
Hot Glue Gun
Thicker Ribbon
I simply cut the bottom off of the milk cartons. Hot glued the lids on and ribbon around the cut edge in effort to make them a little safer. You could probably get away with not doing this, however with my kids this kind of stuff is a necessity as any toy can become a weapon. Then we used some of the many bean bags we have made. This is perfect, because it can be played with by one or many! These could also be embellished more to reflect each individual. Simple yet fun. I know I’m not the first person to think of this, just thought I would share what was a big hit and gave some sanity to our crazy snow days! These can also be worn as head gear!

Our snow fun!

I would really like to get into the groove of these blog posts and post more frequently, however it’s hard! February is my personal challenge to post more than once a week! I would love to become one of those blogs that people like to come and read you know the one you check everyday or at least several times a week just to see what they are up to. All while sipping a cup of coffee and planning your hectic day! Till then…

I'll be linking up to:

Keeping It Simple

Monday, January 24, 2011

V-day Bear Love

So about a week ago I received an Oriental Trading Magazine (I always find good ideas in there!).  While I was flipping through I saw a valentines craft that would make a good idea for a valentine with a little more of a personal touch and guess what it's EASY!!  Yes, if it is simple and easy I'm all over it!  You have to keep in mind since my kids ages 16, 8, 4, and 1 respectivly don't always cooperate with taking naps(at least the 4 and 1 year old), my craft time is generally from 10pm - 12pm.  Before you start thinking my kids don't go to bed till 10pm, they do we just all know that even after they are in bed your time is still not really your own.  I sure do look forward to when that time (my time) rolls around though!  So, I bet your wondering what it is I worked on? Well it's kind of in the title they are Valentines Day Bear Lollipop covers and I even went as far as to put together a printable Valentines Day card to go along with it!  You love me I know I thought of it all.  Just giving back to the many of you who inspire me and do such great stuff!  I started out by creating a pattern which you can get here.
Next I cut all my pieces like so...
You could decrease the size of the pattern and possibly get two out of one sheet of felt! Next I sewed the head together like so...
Then I simply glued on the eyes, ears, nose and used fabric paint to do the mouth like so...
Then I added the lollipop, ribbon (don't forget to use a lighter to seal the ends)and the card. Final project looks like so..
Here are the cards:
simply right click on the image and save it.

Well that's it...hope you enjoy it and "Happy Crafting"! Don't forget to follow me if you like what you see I'm full of ideas I'm dying to share.

I'm linking up to the following:
Keeping It Simple

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Winter Blues

You would think that when school is out due to bad weather my life might be a little easier with two little ones at home every day, one in particular 4 year old who routinely complains about being bored and having no one to play with.  You would think he would enjoy having his older sister home.  Having not grown up an only child I guess I just had this vision they would all just love each other and get along. {Giggle}  So what have I been up to aside from blog hopping and slowly getting the Christmas decorations down (yes, they are still out).  I have been looking for ideas for Valentine’s Day.  I love looking at magazines as they come in the mail with all this cute stuff I would love to order, but never do.  From time to time I come across something that just smacks me in the face and says, “you can make this”!  Be on the lookout a few Valentines ideas might just be coming your way soon!  In the mean time my 8 year old daughter in the past month has been invited to two parties.  With the holiday gifts and 8 year old girl minds I wanted to try and stay away from your usual gift and try and do something original, so I came up with the idea to put together a nail box, coordinating mini chip board album, and matching card. 
Metal box w/handle
1 glittered 12 x 12 scrapbook paper
1 patterned 12 x 12 scrapbook paper
(2) matching acrylic paints
(3) matching ribbon pieces
(2) matching plain card stock 8.5 x 11 (for chipboard album)
1 tag chip board album
Coordinating stickers
For the Box:
I just happen to have several of these boxes around waiting for a project.  I only recently took pictures of the one I did just this past weekend.  While I did not do a tutorial I can briefly explain how I did the box and its contents.  I started by finding/picking two coordinating scrapbook papers.  I cut (2) of the same sizes of paper to fit around the box.  The first in the box below was the glitter paper (which came (2) to a pack at Target for just $.99).  For this project I only needed one of those pieces.  I also cut (2) of a patterned piece which went well this the glitter paper.  I then carefully tore towards myself the paper to give it a nice edge.  Our purpose for cutting (2) of the same size of each is because one will not wrap completely around the container, therefore your (2) pieces will overlap.  I then picked two colors of coordinating acrylic paint from my stash to paint around areas of the container.  This is to fill in the empty space, as I HATE empty space (ask my husband if there is empty space on our counters or any other clear surface I like to fill it, however filling this space is not necessarily a good thing J).   Next I happened to have some leftover stickers from a birthday page layout I had done so I added a few of these, along with some glittered cupcake stickers (which I also picked up at Target for $.99).  I cut the little girl’s name out with my personal cricut machine, and used some silver stickers I had to spell out nail box.  Added some coordinating ribbon to the handle to pretty it up just a little more and ta..da box done.
Box Contents Included:  (4) nail polishes, (1) top coat, good smelly hand sanitizer, mini nail polish remover, lotion, lil’ nail kit (with toe separator, nail scrub brush, and file), yummy lip gloss, cotton rounds, best friend tattoos (left over from my daughters party), some lollipops, hair bands, and my brightest idea (I used a vinyl table cloth, which I had cut up into squares for a girl scout project and some wide ribbon used as bias tape and made a mat for putting under their hands while they worked on their nails).  Obviously there was more than just nails stuff in the box, but in short it was all girlly!  

For the Album and card I just used all my left over’s from the box and some cardstock which matched and made really simple pages.  For the title I just printed on the computer and cut to look like lil’tags.  Then for the card you guessed it utilized those leftovers.
I love getting and buying homemade items for my children, I hope that others enjoy receiving it as much as I do.  Anyone can go out and buy a gift or a gift card.  Not every parent has the ability to make things I hope it sticks with my kids that their mom did!  Well that is what I have been up to!  Enjoy and hopefully I have inspired you to make a little girl in your life a nail box!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Taking the Plunge

Lord only knows this is long overdue!  However I have been talking about getting a blog up for quite some time now.  It is time I stop just sitting around blog hopping and share some of my own stories, crafts and ideas.  I am addicted to reading blogs and seeing what everyone out there has to say or is doing.  It can actually be a little over whelming as I find way too many things I want to do!  Rather than overwhelming myself with new year’s resolutions (which let’s face it I will probably NOT stick with), I have been motivated to try 3 in 30 Making Goals a reality three at a time!  Want to learn more hop on over to:
To see what it is all about!
My 3 in 30 (for January):
-          Start my own blog.
-          Lose 5 lbs
-          Finish my little man and little lady’s joint room (Toy Story Theme)
I’m off to a good start I can check off (Start my own blog)!
I must admit it hit me today how extremely sad I am that Christmas is over.  See we recorded almost every holiday special that came on TV, so since we have yet to catch up we still find ourselves watching them.  As we sat down today and started one I have to say it was all really just a whirl wind this year.  I imagine I would have enjoyed them a little more since I am currently doing the stay-at-home mom thing.  I think what really threw me off is the kids didn’t actually get out of school till 2 days before Christmas!  What is that?  I need at least a week with them to work on Christmas gifts for family.  I shot myself in the foot yet again this year when I waited till the week before Christmas to even start making my gifts.  Since being on a budget even more so this year than any year before I had planned on making all of my grandparent holiday gifts and even some of the kids.  While I will say I did a pretty good job and made quite a bit nothing in comparison to what I would have liked to, and I may have enjoyed the season a little more had I started it all much earlier and not been so stressed come the grand day.  I will pat myself on the back though as I did manage to get all my presents rapped before the big day.  One of these years though I’m going to nail this process down.  One of My 3 in 30 (for July) is going to be, start working on my Christmas presents, if I don’t actually start before then!  I’m already got some ideas and of course all of you crafty bloggers out there keep sucking me into more J
If you are a Christian head on over to to find some great reading and podcasts by none other than my hubby!
Well, that is enough about me for this post as the goal is for you to actually want to come back.  I am hoping to post a tutorial for a wedding gift idea be sure to come back!