Friday, May 20, 2011

Unique Birthday Wrapping

I seems we can go all year only being invited to one or two birthday parties, then all of the sudden May comes and they come in a flood!! Let me just say I “LOVE” Etsy! I love a handmade item over a store bought item any day. For starters they are original, and chances are no one out there is going to have one exactly like that! So, naturally I just like assuming everyone else would appreciate the same kind of gift. I always like feeling like I put more than just a trip to the store into my gift…I mean my kid’s gifts. (smile) Last weekend I made a gift for Silly Whims friend like one I have made before the nail box kit as seen in this post. Additionally, I made her friend a t-shirt, which really fit her personality. This weekend both Silly Whim and Bubba have parties. While I did buy both gifts I wanted to add that touch of personal to them, so for Silly Whims (one of her best friends) I had a picture from Silly Whims Spa-rific Sleepover, which I hope to post on soon. I took the picture and created an iron on design. I also used Steam-a-seam (love that stuff) to create fabric appliqués of her name. Additionally, I used spray paint to create a splattered paint look and went over my appliqué with fabric pain. I started with these a 3 pack from Wal-mart was $6.97, and everything else I already had!

Below is the finished product:

Next for Bubba’s friend, whom I will say we don’t know that well I created an appliqué of race car and his name on the bag. (appliqué is indicative of contents) Bubba is going through a car phase right now. To create an appliqué I simply print out whatever design word I want to use then flip it print side down and trace over my light box onto the steam-a-seam. Next I peel off the side that is NOT traced on and place it on the WRONG side of my fabric. See below:

I gently press with an iron to seal together, and then cut along traced lines. I arrange how I want it all to look on whatever item I have chosen to place it on then remove the last piece of paper from the steam-a-seam and iron on for my permanent look. I also used the spray paint for this as well. This bag turned out like so:

Both bags stuffed and fluffed:

I’m probably over estimating others appreciation for this type of stuff, but it makes me feel better and honestly you spend just as much maybe even less than you would have if you purchased a bag!

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Toilet Seat Sweet

Interested in the title of this blog post? Keep reading to find out what it is all about! Honestly though I was rather embarrassed to post after having gone for such a long time in between postings. I long to be that person who posts several times a week, I suppose to become that I may have to settle sometimes for just simple posts. That leads us to today’s posting “Toilet Seat Sweet”! I have come to accept sometimes the simple things in life are what be me joy. We have been needing new toilet seats in all of our (3) bathrooms for some time now, so I was excited when I was meandering through Home Depot not too long ago and saw these ditty’s .

Having a 4 almost 5 year old boy toilet seats can really mean a lot! You can imagine my excitement when I can get the Whisper (No Slam) Close toilet seats for $9.93 (originally $39.97). So, I pretty much got three for the price of one! Gotta love it when that happens!! While that was almost enough excitement for one day I had also searched the internet for some type of seat handle for any size boys to use when lifting and lowering the toilet seat! That is when I came across these:

These have to be the coolest seat handles every. Such a simple idea I actually wish I had thought of it! Alas I did not; I did invest in three handles. These are great not only do I feel better about my little man lifting the seat and not touching the gross seat! Added bonus is the reminder on BOTH sides of the handle reminding little ones to wash their hands! These are super easy to install, the seat does need to be flat on the bottom of the seat. This is what mine look like installed. They have several designs to choose from and some neutral ones. I have three different ones.

My Whisper Seat in action (teeheehee)

Please note this is NOT a paid promotion I have not been asked to review these, however as a mother of four I always like hearing about products out on the market that make life a little easier for moms! I am just simply sharing with you what I found that I like and works well for me. This may not be the case for you; however I hope you found this useful!
