Friday, April 8, 2011

You were an amazing woman!!

I will start by taking a moment to say this week has been a little hard for me. This week I lost my last living grandmother. While I am very sad at her passing in a way I am relieved that she did not have to suffer long. My grandmother found out about two weeks ago that she had a rare form of blood cancer. As strong as my grandma was I know she was scared. My grandma lived an amazing life! When I look back through my life I have so many treasures she has made for me and my children in her lifetime. It is amazing that she was always there whenever someone got married, had a child, or was sick she always managed to just show up. She has traveled, written books; she was a girl scout/leader for so many years she was recognized for her services! She was my Girl Scout leader for several years. She drove until just recently. My grandma was just simply an amazing woman and if I live even just ½ the life she did that would be an accomplishment! Below is a picture taken when Stinky Face was born:

Now that I have shared that I will share the spring wreath that I have been working on. I purchased a green foam ring wreath at Goodwill a couple of weeks ago anticipating making this and just recently was able to get to it. Everything else I had on hand. Below you will see my supplies (glue gun not pictured). You will notice I already wrapped the wreath.

Next I spray painted my push pins used to hold my flowers (circles) together.

The rest is not really pictured in detail; however I had three circle patterns that I used to give a layered flower look. The smallest (yellow) on top was pinched slightly as I pinned it. I wasn’t completely satisfied with it so I added rosettes in burlap and the blue floral fabric to fill it in. I like a cluttered look (this is where my husband laughs and says, “Yes she does”). So below is the look I settled with:

Then I used my yellow fabric to sew a little strip for hanging the wreath and my final product turned out like so:

Silly Whim likes it, so it must be good.

I’m linking up with some of the links in my side bar.

Have a great weekend blog land!


1 comment:

  1. SO SO sorry to hear about your grandmother. Mine passed away this last year as well, and we were very close.

    Your wreath is very pretty though! So bright and Spring-y!!! Thanks for sharing on Fancy This Fridays!!
