Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Today is a very special day as it is the day that Jesus died for our transgressions so that we could be forgiven. I for one am very thankful for all that he sacrificed for me. It is sad that I did not truly understand the meaning or the word of God until I was older. I am very fortunate to have a husband who has taken it upon himself to ensure that myself and our children completely understand and give thanks daily. This evening after dinner and getting ready for bed we sat as my husband read from the Bible the meaning of Good Friday and Easter. It is important that our children understand Easter Is more than just baskets, eggs, and candy. Silly Whim asked plenty of questions! Afterward my husband, La (my 16 year old) and myself watched “Passion of the Christ”, which in my opinion is a very moving movie. I cried like a baby the first time I saw this movie! If you haven’t seen it I strongly recommend seeing it at least once in your life, though I do not recommend it for young children.

Now onto a little of what I have been up to lately. I have not posted much lately, but I have been busy trying to finish up some projects started some time ago. A friend of La’s had a baby back in December. She graduated last year so she is a young mother. Having had La when I was 18 I empathize with being young and starting your family, it’s was not easy, but it was part of my life that brought me here. So when her friend’s daughter was born I had said I wanted to make her a blanket. It took me a while, a long while, but I finally finished! Below are the things that I made her. I am very happy with how things turned out. As a young mother I hope she appreciates them, I know I would have had someone made them for me when I had La!
This is everything that I made:

This is a closer look at the blanket and matching onesie:

Then of course I made this cute little onesie dress for Easter:

Lastly I made this cute one. The “C” is her initial. I found this ruffle material on clearance at my Joann’s. I plan on making Stinky Face a skirt with this same material!

Well, that is just one of the little projects I can now mark off my to do list.

Oh...and a week or so ago I ran across a really cute little snack, which of course I do not remember the link to, however I jotted down the recipie and made the for Bubby's preschool Easter celebration the other day. They were so cute. Definitely a make again!
Here is a closer look at these birdies and their cute!

I pray that you all have a blessed Easter and remember why you are here, by his grace.
God Bless.

Friday, April 8, 2011

You were an amazing woman!!

I will start by taking a moment to say this week has been a little hard for me. This week I lost my last living grandmother. While I am very sad at her passing in a way I am relieved that she did not have to suffer long. My grandmother found out about two weeks ago that she had a rare form of blood cancer. As strong as my grandma was I know she was scared. My grandma lived an amazing life! When I look back through my life I have so many treasures she has made for me and my children in her lifetime. It is amazing that she was always there whenever someone got married, had a child, or was sick she always managed to just show up. She has traveled, written books; she was a girl scout/leader for so many years she was recognized for her services! She was my Girl Scout leader for several years. She drove until just recently. My grandma was just simply an amazing woman and if I live even just ½ the life she did that would be an accomplishment! Below is a picture taken when Stinky Face was born:

Now that I have shared that I will share the spring wreath that I have been working on. I purchased a green foam ring wreath at Goodwill a couple of weeks ago anticipating making this and just recently was able to get to it. Everything else I had on hand. Below you will see my supplies (glue gun not pictured). You will notice I already wrapped the wreath.

Next I spray painted my push pins used to hold my flowers (circles) together.

The rest is not really pictured in detail; however I had three circle patterns that I used to give a layered flower look. The smallest (yellow) on top was pinched slightly as I pinned it. I wasn’t completely satisfied with it so I added rosettes in burlap and the blue floral fabric to fill it in. I like a cluttered look (this is where my husband laughs and says, “Yes she does”). So below is the look I settled with:

Then I used my yellow fabric to sew a little strip for hanging the wreath and my final product turned out like so:

Silly Whim likes it, so it must be good.

I’m linking up with some of the links in my side bar.

Have a great weekend blog land!


Friday, April 1, 2011

My NOT so lazy days….

I’m still alive!! No my dearest friend Allyson I have not hot glued myself to anything…YET! I really have just been BUSY! I actually have several projects/blog posts in the works I would tell you, but to be honest I want you to come back and check me out! Let me tell you it’s not easy to have your camera with you literally everywhere. My camera has so many pictures on it all working towards projects not yet finished! I have completed a couple of things though. One project I completed recently was two pillows for girls “Brownies” who have been with our troop since they were daisies whom are not moving. I wanted to come up with something special that they could take with them to remember their troop and friends. The pillow itself was pretty simple and the girls loved them. Below is one of the pillows just after I finished it.

This was the pillow all signed by the troop!

For my next project I ask you to please keep in mind I am jack of many trades, yet master of none! I say this because my idea of sewing is winging it! Yes, I can sew kinda sorta some! I love sewing and being able to make my kiddos clothes and dresses and pillows and whatever else I might be able to imagine up, however if you look in close detail at my projects you will definitely see my flaws! Hence why my 16 year old does not request I make her stuff and since I was so young when I had her she really didn’t get the crafty side of me so I think we are both okay with it. As for the rest of my kids I wanted them to be able to look back through their childhood and remember that mommy always made them things. I’m all about making memories, which leads me to my next pillow…still sticking with my scouts theme. We all have them….old uniforms. When I moved my mom gave me my old Girl Scout vest some patches sewed on and some in an envelope not sewed on. Let’s face it I am never going to really do anything with it and my hubby gets rather irritated when Bubba (5) dances around with it on. He will be a Boy Scout soon enough. Well Silly Whim bridge up from Daisies to Brownies last year and recently I finished making sure all of her patches were assembled on her tunic. I wanted her uniform to have more of a purpose though rather than just sitting in some box stowed away for nothing more than just to show her kids someday. So I decided to make a pillow from it. The idea started rather simple and grew a little bit. I started with this:

Next I made sure the tunic was lined up nicely and then I cut the shoulders off strait across the top. I followed this up by trimming the trim all the way around like so.

Since I had to cut her troop numbers and flag off I needed to sew them back on. I also decided to use pictures from her years as a Daisy and using iron on transfer put them onto fabric. I then framed each picture using ribbon.

After all the pictures were in place I used the freezer paper stencil to put the years she was a Daisy. I also used some glow in the dark fabric paint to do some writing around some empty spaces. I then cut some strips of lavender fabric and created a trim and pinned it in place.

Then I just sewed the pillow up and ta da!! Done!! I really like how it turned out! Mind you it is NOT perfect, but I’m okay with that. I hope that Silly Whim can look at this and remember all the fun time she had as a Daisy.

Now to try and thing what I am going to do with the Brownie vest. Aw..I still have another year…plenty of time!

I'm linking up to Project CSI this week and some others in my side bar!
